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Sunday, October 5, 2003

Love, forgiveness, Anger

No matter how loving, sincere, and humble that we are, still, other's
can't let go of the past with us. They just have not come as far along
the road and REALLY seen the light, if even at all. This is how I view
all interactions and relationships with people that are not loving.
True, the events still hurt some but I do understand and can accept it
much easier. I pray for them and can only hope that they may one day
learn as I have. It is something we discover on our own.
I really like this quote that I read someplace:
Just because someone is unforgiving does not make us unforgiveable.
I used to get angry and react with like behavior but that accomplishes
nothing. It just feeds the pain and hurt. I always felt bad later but
I never could take any of it back. I would feel justified in many ways
because I felt pain, hurt, and anger. This does nothing but
harm and set-backs for our spirit and soul and for others. We are here
to love one another. To share these secrets. Many have come to tell us
this over the centuries. Love is always the key. Of course, Love is
now used to mean things that are really not love. Almost a catch-all
word in some circles.
I like the few lines from a song by Carolyn Arends, "Love is patient, love is kind, never boast or full of pride. Always faithful, always trusts, evidence of Christ in our lives.". There are many wonderful descriptions of love, religious, spiritual, and non-religious. For myself, the all come from the heart. Love is everything. God is in everything.

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