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Tuesday, March 2, 2004


Well, not peace but no fight yet either. I can still hope one is not going to come but I doubt it. Anger and stubborness makes everything take a backseat to some. Those who cannot see past their own pain.  I cannot fix this. Lord knows I wish I could go back and do so. Or knew the words to make it so. The lessons learned and the new road ahead must far outweigh the mending of this or even the peaceful resoluton of it. Maybe We will both understand how this fits in later years. Even my husband who is not even looking past this moment in time. Only to the now and what he wants for himself at this time. I pray that he finds what he seeks. I had wished this had gone differently in even the ending but I do not always measure my every move properly even with all I have learned. Time will stand still for a while. And the worst is yet to come. God will get us through.

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