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Saturday, September 18, 2004

Tulsa Mortuary Road Trip!!!!!

Well, did I get to go on a road trip to weirdness or what?
   I got 3 hours notice asking me to take my oldest nephew to Tulsa to complete his 6  "assignments" for mortuary school which he had put off off for so long, he had 2 days left to do them or would be out of the school for good. No one cared, was able, or had time to take him except me. Of course, I did it. I called my friend, Barbara, because she had been wanting to go ANYWHERE for a long time and been "crying" CASINO as well. She got ready faster than I would have believed. We were both amazing! LOL
   His uncle rented a car, paid for the room, and fronted money for gas & food. Off we went. Of course, it was eventful. I will only touch on the "road trip" aspects.
   I will just have to come back (or write this all down someplace else) since it was so weird. LOL 1) Freaky guy at gas station yelling at me because I walked into the storage area ("his office" ???) instead of the bathroom, My nephew got a free candy bar from him afterwards and I wished him peace and good stuff like that on the way out as his mouth fell open); 2) non-stop talking by my nephew which almost drove me crazy. I love him but I would have preferred the stereo. Mortuary and his breakup/get even talk with his girlfriend gets tedious, at best, after 5 hours; 3) Everybody was the driver :-P; 4) Overshot the area of Tulsa we were supposed to be in and the gas guage was on the little gas pump. There was nothing for miles & miles. Barbara & Anthony talked of the movies in which people run out of gas in these kinds of scary places at night. We made it to a gas station. DARN!; 5) Located the mortuary then set out to find a room.  Showdown in car that almost had us returning home; Stopped at Super 8 motel. While finding out about a room, clerk had a call for police then a woman burst into the office saying a man broke the window and was trying to kill her. I left. We went over to Tudor Place which was Medieval looking on the outside and cheaper. Later, Anthony said that the guys at the mortuary said they get a lot of hangings & suicides from there and a lot of prostitute deaths from the Super 8. How nice.
   6) While Anthony was getting his "assignments" done (these were to be at least 4 embalmings and 2 autopsies), I went with Barbara to the Cherokee Casino. I watched her lose money, bless her heart. She won a few times but I wished she would have won more. Might have shared! LOL This was a brand new place so I guess they were still paying for it. Nice buffet and beautiful! I love the sounds & lights.; 7) I played a nickel machine at which someone won the progressive jackpot while I was sitting at it. Typical.; 8) Anthony came back both times smelling terrible, with blood on him (he brought no other clothes) and telling all about what he had done :P :P He did take baths! :-D His favorite stories were getting to drive limos around Tulsa, tho. LOL; 9) We started back Thursday morning after just having gotten there late Tuesday night. He was all done. On the way back, more mortuary talk. (I want to be cremated). He finally found the backseat of the Olds Alero folded down in the trunk & he went to sleep. He had not slept but a few hours all the time we had been gone; 10) I think, today, I am finally recovered. LOL
   When I saw Anthony last night, he was feeling good and said the school was amazed to see him back. (He graduates in November.) I was glad to be able to do my small part, with a crazy road trip, to enable him to do that. Surprised we all 3 are not nuts. :-D
   It is good to know that even though I have changed, the interesting life I have always lived, has not. LOL It keeps coming.

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