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Wednesday, December 24, 2003


I haven't written in here real recent but I have thought of it. I
have been SO busy with the Salvation Army, family, friends, and my own
stuff to get by, that I don't get on the computer like I used to which
is really good! I still keep my computer time for all of my old friends
that have hung with me through everything though. I don't think I could
have made it this far without them. There may be a lot of jerks &
users on the web and danger, too, but there are also some wonderful
people. In my 10 years in using it (and then BBS es before that
-remember those?), I have met more than I could ever count. Some I
still know online only, some I met and are my real friends, and I
married one of them (love him no matter what). I think we live in many
realities anyway. The internet is just another one. We each have to
also share each other's realities. This is where getting along comes
into play. I know that this is just another way of looking at Each of
us as an individual but I wanted to write it down for myself. If anyone
reads it and it makes any sense, that is cool. :-)
I may add to this later. Just kinda throwing this in here now. I am
thinking about other things regarding this to clarify further...like how
society seems to go in thisdirection also by encouraging the use of the
"world of..." when speaking of areas of society -
such as the World of Music,
the World of Entertainments, the World of Business, etc..
Just a tiny example that popped into my head.
Of course, I am aways thinking of something, or writing lyrics,
or a new tunes, or singing a song, keeping busy!
Got to keep the mind busy or it will rust. :-D

Tuesday, December 2, 2003

Love, Hate, Anger

I was thinking the other day about love and hate
some say hate is the absence of love
You know anger is a blindness
I believe love is everywhere in everything
God is love and God is everywhere
So, love can't be absent
So, hate is just the denial of love
Not the absence
It blew me away
So, if anyone opens their heart and sees,
and stops denying the love,
it has been there all the time
And that is for everyone
We are all united as humans
And with all life
Or so I believe
I have been deep
When you have been there, your soul learns a lot
and I don't mean taking drugs, I mean emotional