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Saturday, October 18, 2003


This was on a greeting card I came across while sending birthday cards to
friends. It is SO perfectly written that I wanted to save it in my
journal. I feel this way and I wish that everyone else would.

Forgiveness is letting go of the pain
and accepting what has happened,
because it will not change.

Forgiveness is dismissing the blame.
Choices were made that caused the hurt;
we each could have chosen differently,
but we didn't.

Forgiveness is looking at the pain,
learning the lessons it has produced,
and understanding what we have learned.

Forgiveness allows us to move on
towards a better understanding
of universal love and our true purpose.

Forgiveness is knowing that love
is the answer to all questions,
and that we all are in some way connected.

Forgiveness is starting over
with the knowledge that we have gained.
I forgive you, and I forgive myself.
I hope you can do the same.
-Poem by Judith Mammay

I know some things take time, some more for others.
I did not always know how to forgive. I am still not at perfection
but I am a lot closer than I ever was at it. I just hope that all
I know & love will find forgiveness for me and all around them one day.

Monday, October 13, 2003


Performing music is for me to share with myself, those I love, and God.
Other chances are blessings. I do love to sing but it is not a "have-to"
as it used to be. I remember when I felt that I had to at any cost.
I kinda do know why I was like that but I still am figuring it out about myself.
It is really so very difficult to know when my bipolar ended and my old
learned behaviors began.Seeking attention when I felt I had none.
Having to be part of everything. Used to be a biggie.
Along with trying to fix my environment and those closest to me.
Now, I feel happy just to be able to have the music in me and make it.
Whenever and with whomever I can and express it anytime I want, inside or out.
Just being with others making music is like a joining of joy if they are
having fun and are feeling it.
Once, I got lost in the meaning of music. I was lost in everything.
I know there are things I would like to have said in my music and
an audience that I would like to share it with but it will come in time.
And I can make it happen on my own.
I respect all others music and feelings. Any sharing is wonderful.
Whatever the level. Just as long as music happens.
And it is always happening.
Everything is music.
Depak Chopra

Sunday, October 5, 2003

Love, forgiveness, Anger

No matter how loving, sincere, and humble that we are, still, other's
can't let go of the past with us. They just have not come as far along
the road and REALLY seen the light, if even at all. This is how I view
all interactions and relationships with people that are not loving.
True, the events still hurt some but I do understand and can accept it
much easier. I pray for them and can only hope that they may one day
learn as I have. It is something we discover on our own.
I really like this quote that I read someplace:
Just because someone is unforgiving does not make us unforgiveable.
I used to get angry and react with like behavior but that accomplishes
nothing. It just feeds the pain and hurt. I always felt bad later but
I never could take any of it back. I would feel justified in many ways
because I felt pain, hurt, and anger. This does nothing but
harm and set-backs for our spirit and soul and for others. We are here
to love one another. To share these secrets. Many have come to tell us
this over the centuries. Love is always the key. Of course, Love is
now used to mean things that are really not love. Almost a catch-all
word in some circles.
I like the few lines from a song by Carolyn Arends, "Love is patient, love is kind, never boast or full of pride. Always faithful, always trusts, evidence of Christ in our lives.". There are many wonderful descriptions of love, religious, spiritual, and non-religious. For myself, the all come from the heart. Love is everything. God is in everything.