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Thursday, June 17, 2004

The Search

"Let those who seek, continue seeking until they find.When they find, they will become troubled.  When they become troubled they will be astonished..." "Recognize what is in your sight,and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you."--The Lost Gospel of Thomas
   The search never ends. Knowledge of everything, physical and spiritual, is ongoing. The answers all lie at the end. I know the raod now though. That is a more than most know. I am truly blessed.
   We all teach each other. We all are Love. We all are one.
   Just most don't know this yet.
   Its amazing when you finally see the light.
   Affirmation from someone else that you meet and watch come back from the darkness is totally amazing and teaches more than one could ever believe.
   Such is Gary W. 2 for me.